Cheshire Reared 21 Day Matured Beef
– Slow Cooking –
Because it is locally reared we can be certain of its provenance, so important today when food is flown around the world by most of the major supermarkets. You can be sure that the beef you buy has had the shortest possible journey from Ian’s pastures to your plate. Ian rears it, we prepare it, you cook it and your family eats it. They deserve the best.

Beef Brisket
6-8oz PP. Usually boned and rolled is best suited to pot roasting or braised in a Slow Cooker in red wine with whole peeled potatoes.

Shin Beef
Much underrated yet easily the most nutritious. Best suited to slow casseroling in a rich stock of your choice. In the 19th century beef tea (made from shin beef) was prescribed by doctors to fortify the sick.

Top Rib Steak
Braising means to cook in liquid or stock. Choose your preferred wine or stock and cook slowly for 2 to 3 hours until tender. Add vegetables towards the end.

Lean Diced Steak
Shoulder steak trimmed and diced, available in value-for-money 3 x 1lb packs for £13.49. Ideal for stews, casseroles or pies.

Lean Minced Steak
Available in any amount and also in value-for-money 5 x 1lb packs for £15.99. This amounts to roughly buy 4 get 1 free and ideal for the freezer.